Working Group
Investors (AKI)



People entrust their money to the church to make diaconal and church work possible. In church and diaconia, money is handled in responsibility before God and people - this also applies to investments. Church money is invested in order to be able to meet future payment obligations.
Invested money remains the property of the investors, who are responsible for the effects of the investment.

In order to do justice to this, ethical and sustainable goals are pursued in addition to economic ones: The money of the church and diakonia should be invested in accordance with God's commandments and the respective mission.

We are working on this with two focal points: the regularly updated guideline and engagement dialogues with companies - and we look forward to the exchange on this.



If you would like to contact the AKI secretariat please do so via the details here.

As a membership organisation the AKI does not have any investments of its own. As such we regret that we cannot entertain any investment proposals or pass them on to our members.